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꼴려서 힙한 패션 스타일로 변신하세요! 꼴려서 프리미엄 아이템만 낙찰

넣지않아도 꼴려서 홍콩가는 비결 #shorts


꼴려서: 말하다, 좋다, 싫다, 힘들다, 자랑하다, 미워하다, 따라하다, 모방하다, 감사하다, 상처 받다, 존경받다.

꼴려서 (Kkollyeoseo) is a versatile Korean expression that carries various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. It is derived from the verb ‘꼴리다’ (kkollida), which means ‘to be or feel appealing’ or ‘to be liked or disliked.’ In this article, we will explore the different aspects of 꼴려서 and understand its significance in Korean culture.

꼴려서 말하다 (Kkollyeoseo malhada) – Speaking because it’s appealing
One common usage of 꼴려서 is found in the expression 꼴려서 말하다, which translates to ‘speaking because it’s appealing.’ This phrase is often used to describe situations where someone speaks up or shares their opinions because they find it enjoyable or rewarding. It implies that the person is driven to express themselves due to the positive response they receive from others.

꼴려서 좋다 (Kkollyeoseo johda) versus 꼴려서 싫다 (Kkollyeoseo silhda) – Feeling good or bad about being liked
꼴려서 좋다 means ‘to feel good about being liked’ or ‘to be pleased with the positive attention one receives.’ This phrase is commonly used when someone enjoys the feeling of being appreciated or admired by others.

On the other hand, 꼴려서 싫다 means ‘to feel bad about being liked’ or ‘to be displeased with the attention one receives.’ This phrase is generally used when someone dislikes being the center of attention or is uncomfortable with others constantly monitoring their actions.

꼴려서 힘들다 (Kkollyeoseo himdeulda) – Feeling burdened by being liked
Sometimes, receiving excessive attention or admiration can be tiring and burdensome. 꼴려서 힘들다 describes the feeling of being overwhelmed by the constant expectations and pressure that come with being liked or admired. It reflects the emotional exhaustion that arises from constantly living up to others’ expectations.

꼴려서 자랑하다 (Kkollyeoseo jaranghada) – Taking pride in being liked
When someone takes pride in being liked or admired by others, they may use the expression 꼴려서 자랑하다. It signifies the feeling of satisfaction and joy that arises from knowing that one is appreciated and respected by those around them.

꼴려서 미워하다 (Kkollyeoseo miwohada) – Disliking being liked
Despite the positive connotation of being liked, not everyone enjoys the attention they receive. 꼴려서 미워하다 expresses the sentiment of disliking or even resenting the fact that others find them appealing. This phrase is often used when individuals feel uncomfortable or irritated by the constant scrutiny they receive.

꼴려서 따라하다 (Kkollyeoseo ttarahada) – Copying because it’s appealing
In some cases, 꼴려서 can refer to imitating or copying someone’s actions or behavior because one finds it appealing or admirable. 꼴려서 따라하다 reflects the desire to emulate someone or adopt their style, mannerisms, or habits.

꼴려서 모방하다 (Kkollyeoseo mobanghada) – Imitating because it’s appealing
Similar to 꼴려서 따라하다, 꼴려서 모방하다 also signifies imitating or mimicking someone due to the positive impression they have on others. It expresses the notion of being influenced by someone’s actions or behavior in an attempt to align oneself with their appealing qualities.

꼴려서 감사하다 (Kkollyeoseo gamsahada) – Feeling grateful for being liked
When someone appreciates being liked or valued by others, they may use the expression 꼴려서 감사하다. It embodies a sense of gratitude and appreciation for the positive attention and support received from others.

꼴려서 상처 받다 (Kkollyeoseo sangcheo badda) – Getting hurt by being liked
Although being liked is generally considered positive, it can also have negative consequences. 꼴려서 상처 받다 describes the experience of being emotionally hurt or wounded as a result of the attention and expectations that come with being liked or admired by others.

꼴려서 존경받다 (Kkollyeoseo jon-gyeongbatda) – Being respected because it’s appealing
Being liked often leads to gaining respect and admiration from others. 꼴려서 존경받다 means ‘to be respected because it’s appealing’ or ‘to earn admiration due to one’s positive qualities.’ It signifies the acknowledgment and high regard that others hold for someone because of their appealing attributes or achievements.

꼴려서 has a multifaceted nature, and its meaning can differ based on the context in which it is used. Understanding the nuanced nuances of this expression allows for a deeper understanding of Korean culture and interpersonal dynamics.


Q: Is 꼴려서 always used in a positive context?
A: No, 꼴려서 can be used to express both positive and negative sentiments based on the speaker’s perspective and experiences.

Q: Are there any situations where feeling liked can be burdensome?
A: Yes, particularly when one feels constantly under pressure to meet others’ expectations or is overwhelmed by the attention they receive.

Q: Can 꼴려서 be used in formal settings?
A: While 꼴려서 is more commonly used in informal conversations, it can be employed in various contexts depending on the relationship between the speakers and the formality of the situation.

Q: Is imitating someone always a positive thing?
A: It depends on the intention and behavior of the person who is imitating. Sometimes, it can be seen as a form of flattery, while in other cases, it may be viewed negatively as copying or lack of originality.

Q: Can 꼴려서 be used in other tenses or forms?
A: Yes, the verb 꼴리다 can be conjugated in different tenses and forms to match the grammatical structure of the sentence or conversation.

In conclusion, 꼴려서 offers a rich and versatile expression that captures various aspects of being liked, admired, imitated, or respected. Whether experiencing joy, burden, or discomfort from being the center of attention, this Korean expression reflects the intricacies of interpersonal relationships and individual experiences in Korean culture.

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Categories: Top 30 꼴려서

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Article link: 꼴려서.

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